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Dailies or Monthlies?

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If you’ve decided to wear contact lenses, the next choice you need to make is dailies or monthlies. While that decision may be easier for some, others can find it overwhelming. Before you make your decision, learn more about their differences. You may be surprised which type is best for your eyes and lifestyle.

All About Daily Lenses

Daily contact lenses are single-use lenses that you remove and discard at the end of the day. The next day, you insert a fresh pair. Daily contacts are typically very thin and have high water content.

How long do they last?

Daily contact lenses are made to be used once and then thrown away.

Are they safe for overnight use?

It may be convenient to leave your contacts in your eyes overnight, especially after a long day, but don’t do this with daily lenses. They are meant to be tossed away when you take them out before bedtime.

How do you take care of dailies?

Since you open a fresh pair every day, there is generally no need to clean your lenses at the end of every day. This is one of the major benefits of daily disposable contacts, as they require very little maintenance.

However, it’s always a good idea to carry extras, along with a backup pair of glasses, as daily contacts are thinner than monthly contacts and can occasionally tear or become too dry.

All About Monthly Lenses

People who wear monthly contact lenses need to replace them monthly, normally at a specific date, such as the first of the month, depending on the replacement instructions your eye doctor provides. Their thicker composition makes them more durable and longer-lasting than dailies, and they are usually more resistant to drying out. However, you must follow the cleaning instructions in order to ensure both wearing comfort and your eye health.

How long do they last?

Monthly contact lenses can be worn for about 30 days before you’ll need to switch to a new pair. Monthlies are meant to be worn during the day then taken out at night, cleaned and stored in a disinfecting contact solution while you sleep. Monthly contact lenses might feel a bit thicker in your eyes compared to dailies because they’re built to last longer.

Are they safe for overnight use?

There are certain brands of monthly lenses, called ‘extended wear’ contact lenses, that are FDA approved for overnight or even full-time wear for the entire month. Your eye doctor will discuss this option, and whether it is appropriate for your eyes and lifestyle.

It is important to note that while these lenses are safer to wear overnight, the longer you wear contacts, the higher the risk of problems, including infection.

How do you take care of monthlies?

Since monthly lenses are worn for a longer period of time, they’re more susceptible to the buildup of proteins and lipids in your eyes, which can collect on contacts, causing blurry vision. Placing your contacts in a contact lens solution will keep your monthly lenses hygienic.

The Question Now Is Dailies or Monthlies?

No matter which type you choose, there are plenty of options for both daily and monthly contact lenses. You can always try one kind of contacts and then switch to the other. At Professional VisionCare in Lewis Center we will help you decide which ones best meet your needs.

At Professional VisionCare, we put your family's needs first. Talk to us about how we can help you maintain healthy vision. Call us today: 614-898-9989 or book an appointment online to see one of our Lewis Center eye doctors.

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